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AONB Circular Walks 

Craving wide open spaces, babbling brooks, sweet smelling pine forests and wild Jurassic Coast?  Better get your walking boots on then!

For exploring the hills we recommend

the Ordnance Survey map - Explorer 140

Below are some useful links to other recreation websites:

Quantock Online -  The Quantock Online website is  run locally and has a really good collection of walks which can be downloaded, they have distances for all requirements as well as a detailed break down of the Coleridge Way and Quantock Greenway Routes.


Walking with Coleridge and Wordsworth - The Royal Geographical Society have a 7 mile walk in the Quantocks written by Professor Peter Coates from the University of Bristol, download here

Stowey Walking.jpg

Castles & Coastway

Circular walk from Nether Stowey Castle to Stogursey Castle and the England Coast Path -

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